- Learning and Families is proud to offer two theatre opportunities for students in grades 7 – 12:
- Fall Musical
- Spring Musical
Middle and high school students interested in drama, dance, music, and art will find opportunities in the LAF Theatre Troupe. Every year the Troupe casts, directs, and choreographs two full productions: a dramatic play in the fall, and a musical in the spring. This year’s program is entirely student run, including direction, choreography, fund-raising, sets, costumes, and everything in between.
LAF Theatre has a heart for discovering and inspiring leadership in its students. The troup was founded in Fall 2018 by then high school freshman Sam Stahlmann. Sam recognized a need in the homeschool community for a theatre option and approached the LAF Board of Directors with a proposal for a Theatre Troupe.
The Troupe began that year with just eight students, who performed one production in the spring to an audience of more than 125! It was a hit, and the following semester, the Troupe tripled in size.
Throughout Sam’s high school career, every aspect of the Troupe was student-run, from play selection to direction, sound and Iighting design, costumes, makeup, sets, choreography, fundraising and more.
Each year, Sam built a small leadership team that included a director, assistant director, choreographer, and technical director.
After Sam went off to college, his younger sister Eden led the troupe through two musical performances.
Although we have moved away from being 100% student led, the heart for nurturing student leadership will continue as our new theatre facilitator Jackie Freeman identifies students who are passionate about all aspects of theatre and cultivates leadership in these students by building a student leadership team

Tuition: $250
Supply Fee: $30 per student
Facilitator: Jackie Freeman
Tuesdays AND Thursdays, 1:00-2:50
Room C212
Course Description:
In the fall semester, Theatre Troupe students will learn to perfect their acting, movement, and singing skills with the goal of bringing it all together for a big, fun-filled, musical production!
This semester’s production will be A Charlie Brown Christmas, the Musical!
All 7th through 12th graders with passion for the performing arts, and a willingness to have fun; work hard; and be a part of a team, are encouraged to join! 6th graders may also be considered with facilitator’s permission. (Please email to discuss)
All LAF shows have casting auditions for the purpose of assigning roles. If you sign up for the program, you will be in the performance, but the role you get is determined by your experience and audition.
Once enrollment is finalized all students will receive an email about auditions that will take place within the first few weeks of co-op.
Reference Video
We strongly encourage families to do their due diligence and thoroughly research a production before registering for theatre. Here is a video example of this year’s fall musical. This is video example is only meant to give parents an idea of what the show entails before registering for the program. Most (if not all) blocking and choreography will be different in our adaptation.
Required Materials:
- Script (provided)
- 3-ring binder
- Folder
- Pencils
- Highlighters
- Must wear clothing and shoes that allow for good movement (and maybe some dancing)

Tuition: $250
Supply Fee: $30 per student
Facilitator: Jackie Freeman
Tuesdays AND Thursdays, 1:00-2:50
Room C212
Course Description:
The Spring semester’s production will be Once Upon a Mattress Youth Edition.
This one-hour adaptation of the beloved musical is designed for young performers.
Many moons ago in a far-off place, Queen Aggravain decreed no couples could marry until her son, Prince Dauntless, found a bride. Princesses came from far and wide to win the hand of the prince, but none could pass the impossible tests given to them by the Queen. That is, until the “shy” swamp princess, Winnifred the Woebegone, showed up. Would she be able to pass the Sensitivity Test, marry her prince and help Lady Larken and Sir Harry to the altar? Carried on a wave of wonderful songs, by turns hilarious and raucous, romantic and melodic, this rollicking spin on the classic tale The Princess and the Pea provides some side-splitting shenanigans. After all, a princess is a delicate thing.
All LAF shows have casting auditions for the purpose of assigning roles. If you sign up for the program, you will be in the performance, but the role you get is determined by your experience and audition. All information about auditions will be emailed before the beginning of each semester.
Reference Video
We strongly encourage families to do their due diligence and thoroughly research a production before registering for theatre. Here is a video example of this year’s Spring musical. This is video example is only meant to give parents an idea of what the show entails before registering for the program. Most (if not all) blocking and choreography will be different in our adaptation.
Required Materials:
- Script (provided)
- 3-ring binder
- Folder
- Pencils
- Highlighters
- Must wear clothing and shoes that allow for good movement (and maybe some dancing)