Register For 2024/2025 LAF Co-Op

Existing LAF Families

Step 1 - Log in to your Parent Portal

If you are already a part of the Learning and Families Support Community or if you have been in the recent past, click here to log in to your Parent Portal account.

Step 2 - Update Payment Method

Before you choose classes, you will need to update your payment method. Entering your card number does not mean your card will be charged today. You will need to submit today’s payment manually (see Step 4 below).

Step 3-Choose Classes

Browse our list of classes, here on the website and programs (not in the parent portal), and make your selections. Please be aware that LAF Co-op classes are in high demand and may fill quickly. If a class is full, we strongly encourage you to add your student to the waiting list. Spaces often open during the summer, and once in a while, we are even able to open another class. You will not be charged for a class until you actually get a seat and approve it.

Step 4 - Make a payment

In order for your seat to be held, you must make a minimum payment today, (unless you have made special arrangements with our treasurer.) If you have an extenuating circumstance and would like to discuss alternate payment arrangements, please email our treasurer, but remember, your seat in the class will not be held until an arrangement has been made.

To make a payment, click “Pay Now.” The system will not charge you the total due unless that is what you choose to pay.

To calculate the minimum amount due today, add the following together:
  • $90 family enrollment fee
  • 100% of lab/supply fees for EACH class (See each individual class description, here on the website. Junior Co-op has just one lab fee per child.)
  • At least 50% of total tuition
Please remember, your seat is not held until the minimum amount due is paid.
New Families

Step 1 - Enroll Now

If you are new to Learning and Families, you will begin by enrolling in the LAF Support Community. One of the many benefits of being a part of the Support Community is the privilege to register for Co-op classes (space permitting). Please note that entering your credit or debit card number during the setup process does not mean your card will be charged today. You will need to submit today’s payment manually (see Step 3 below).

Step 2 - Choose Classes

Once you fill in all information and set up your account, you will be able to choose classes.
Please be aware that LAF Co-op classes are in high demand and may fill quickly. If a class is full, we strongly encourage you to add your student to the waiting list. Spaces often open during the summer, and once in a while, we are even able to open another class. You will not be charged for a class until you actually get a seat and approve it.

Step 3 - Make a payment

In order for your seat to be held, you must make a minimum payment today, (unless you have made special arrangements with our treasurer.)  If you have an extenuating circumstance and would like to discuss alternate payment arrangements, please email our treasurer, but remember, your seat in the class will not be held until an arrangement has been made.

To make a payment, click “Pay Now.” The system will not charge you the total due unless that is what you choose to pay.
To calculate the minimum amount due today, add the following together:
  • $90 family enrollment fee
  • 100% of lab/supply fees for EACH class (See each individual class description. Junior Co-op has just one lab fee per child.)
  • At least 50% of total tuition
Please remember, your seat is not held until the minimum amount due is paid.

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