Field Trips

LAF offers a variety of field trips throughout the year, including our annual Sea World trip, plus at least one more major trip for the entire Support Community and a host of smaller trips throughout the year.

Each month, we send our Support Community an email with the details of all upcoming activities, including field trips. We also post information in the Facebook Community Support Group and on the LAF Calendar. So check back regularly throughout the year.

Sea World

Each year in February, LAF hosts a large field trip to Sea World at a deeply discounted rate. In 2024, we had more than 200 people attend this trip! Check back in the fall semester for more details on how to participate in this trip.

2025 Date: January 31. 2025

Field Trip Policies
  • All families and everyone accompanying a family must abide by the LAF Code of Conduct and Statement of Faith on all LAF field trips.
  • Good manners and citizenship are expected on LAF field trips, which may include thanking venue/facility staff at the conclusion of a trip and participating in a group thank you card to the field trip venue/facility.
  • In the event that the Code of Conduct or Statement of Faith is violated during an LAF field trip, the standard LAF Disciplinary Procedures will be followed.
  • LAF field trips are reserved for current active families in good standing and any friends or family that accompany them, unless otherwise specified.
  • Parent/chaperone present on trips assumes all responsibility for the child(ren) in their care.
  • Any family who desires to coordinate an LAF field trip must obtain approval from the Board of Directors. Once approved, the family will be overseen by the Field Trip Coordinator.
T-Shirt Policy

LAF official t-shirts are available for purchase by any LAF family, as well as friends and family of LAF.

  • LAF t-shirts are mandatory for all field trips
  • Families without mandatory t-shirts must purchase them onsite at $25 each


When a person is wearing an LAF t-shirt, they are representing LAF and must abide by the LAF Code of Conduct and Statement of Faith.

Field Trip Gallery

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Apply for 2024/25

Learn more about our application process and apply for the 2024/25 year for our Support Community and/or our Co-op.